Leave a gift in your will

A row of leather-bound books on a shelf

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For more information about leaving a gift in your will please get in touch. 

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Create a lasting legacy 

Our founding collections were created by incredible acts of philanthropy, and through the generosity of individuals to this day, our collection continues to grow.  

By leaving a gift to us in your will, you’ll help protect and preserve our collection of over 170 million items. Bring it to the forefront of ground breaking research. Put it at the centre of life-changing discoveries.  

Recent gifts received by the Library from generous donors leaving us a gift in their will have made it possible for us to acquire exceptional new items into the collection, make more items available online for people to research and enjoy, and make significant improvements to our buildings. 

If you’d like to discuss your plans in confidence, do not hesitate to email Melanie Geelan at Melanie.Geelan@bl.uk. We would be delighted to hear if you have any specific areas you would like your gift to support so we can ensure your wishes are understood and fulfilled. Gifts left to the Library with no specific restrictions are much appreciated, so we may plan ahead and be quick to respond in changing circumstances. 

Join our 1973 Society 

We invite everyone who has left a bequest to join our 1973 Society. Members receive regular updates about our work and are invited to a special event each year to discover how gifts make a lasting impact on our work. 

Our Charitable Status  

The Library has full exempt charitable status, but we do not have a charity number from the Charity Commission. DCMS acts as the Library's principal regulator for charity law purposes. 

A gift to us still attracts the same tax benefits as to any other charity.