Supporter stories

Many people have chosen to support the British Library, all with a different reason for doing so: from celebrating a special occasion to remembering a loved family member or friend, or simply because they value the breadth and depth of knowledge which can be found within our collections.

Please share your special story with us and with your fellow donors. We would love to hear what has inspired you to give to one of the world's great libraries. (Limit: 50 words)

Submit your story

Submit your story
  • We would like to hear more about your connections with the British Library and your reasons for supporting us. Please share your story with us.

Michael Coates-Smith main photo

I cannot remember a time when books were not central to my life. The BL is guardian of a priceless common heritage which can enrich the lives of future generations, as it has done for us. Cherish the verbal record in good times and bad!

Michael Coates-Smith
Stephen Niechcial main photo

My mother- in -law was a very talented artist and book binder. She rebound many books, and supporting the conservation of beautiful books is a very fitting way to celebrate her life

Stephen Niechcial