Partner with us
Stuart Boxall
Head of Corporate Relations
T +44 (0)20 7412 7178
We are pleased to offer companies the opportunity to partner through corporate sponsorship of the Library's major exhibition programme. In particular we are seeking a three year partnership by negotiation for a lead sponsor of our exhibition programme.
The power of association
As part of our programme for the public, the Library stages major exhibitions, free displays and curated content as well as our permanent 'Treasures' exhibition. As lead sponsor your company will have the potential for naming rights for temporary exhibitions, dependent on entry level.
By partnering with British Library's major exhibition programe you enjoy the association of a high profile cultural season, with behind the scenes access to curatorial expertise and items, and we will ensure your company maximises the opportunities for involvment.
As well as private views, complimentary entrance tickets for staff and discounted access to the Library's events programme, a range of benefits can be tailored to support the partnership. As a corporate supporter you will also have the opportunity to host parties and events in a variety of dramatic spaces in the Library.
Our public engagement and learning team can add value and help meet wider corporate objectives through involvement with the activities of the Library, on exhibition themes and potentially more.
Each exhibition is supported by a comprehensive multi-channel marketing campaign created to amplify marketing and audience reach. These typically include outdoor advertising on tube and rail, print advertising (including national newspapers), digital and social media, search and content creation.
We welcome the opportunity to engage companies through sponsorship and other programmes, and we are happy to work with you to develop a bespoke package that matches your business or marketing objectives and budget.